Sunday, June 1, 2008

CVS & Walgreens!

Since the 5$ off 15$ coupon was expiring today I decided to do all of the deals I needed to do, plus some of the monthly CVS deals. I really loved this coupon and wish it wasn't expiring =( Anyways, these are my CVS deals since yesterday and my Walgreens deal from Friday!


3 Schick Titanium Trimmers - 35.97$
5 Schick Titanium Razors - 47.45$
1 Schick Quattro Razor - 9.49$
1 Bic Soleil Razor - 4.99$
1 Bic Soleil Razor Refills - 4.99$

Total Before Coupons: 111.38$

Coupons Used:

(9) 3.00$ May Easy Saver Schick Titanium Coupons - 27.00$
(9) 4.00$ June Easy Saver Schick Titanium Coupons - 36.00$
(1) Buy Bic Soleil Get Free Razor Refills - 4.99$
(8) 4.00$ off Schick Titanium Razors - 32.00$
10$ off 30$ Friday Only Walgreens Coupon

Total After Coupons - .97$

Total Savings - 95.99$



Transaction #1

(2) Pampers Jumbo Pack - 15.98$

Coupons Used:

(1) 2.00$ off any 2 Pampers
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon

Total After Coupons: 9.72$


Transaction #2

(2) Pampers Jumbo Pack - 15.98$
(1) Huggies Supreme Refill Wipes - 3.15$ (clearaned from 8.99$)

Coupons Used:

(1) 1.00$ off Huggies Wipes
(1) 2.00$ off any 2 Pampers
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 5.00$ ECB

Total After Coupons: 6.72$
ECB's Earned: 5.00$


Transaction #3

(5) 4 Pack AA Duracell Batteries - 14.95$
(1) Bounty Paper Towel 8 Pack - 5.99$
(1) CVS Band Aids - 1.99$

Coupons Used:

(1) .25 off any Bounty
(5) .75 off any Duracell
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 1.99$ ECB
(1) 3.49$ ECB
(1) 8$ ECB

Total After Coupons - .45$
ECB's Earned: 11.99$ - 10$ for Duracell / 1.99$ for CVS Band Aids


Transaction #4

(2) Dawn Dish Soap - 2.00$
(7) Pampers Wipes - 20.93$

Coupons Used:

(3) 2.00$ off any Pampers
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 10.00$ ECB

Total After Coupons: .00$
ECB's Earned: 5$ for Pampers


Transaction #5

(1) Oral B Cross Action 2 Pack Toothbrushes - 13.98$
(1) CVS Band Aid - 1.99$

Coupons Used:

(2) .75 off Oral B Cross Action
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 1.99$ ECB
(1) 6.00$ ECB

Total After Coupons: 1.48$
ECB's Earned: 13.98$ for Oral B / 1.99$ for CVS Band Aids


Transaction #6

(2) Dawn Dish Soaps - 2.00$
(1) Gilette Fusion Razor - 9.99$
(1) Listerine Smart Rinse - 3.49$
(1) CVS Band Aids - 1.99$

Coupons Used:

(2) .50$ off any Dawn
(1) 1.00$ off Listerine Smart Rinse
(1) 4.00$ Gilette Fusion
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 2.00$ ECB
(1) 3.79$ ECB

Total After Coupons: .68$
ECB's Earned: 1.00$ Dawn / 5.00$ Gilette / 3.49$ Listerine / 1.99$ Band Aids


Transaction #7

(2) Brut Deoderants - 6.38$
(4) Huggies Baby Wash - 13.96$

Coupons Used:

(2) 1.00$ off Brut
(4) 1.00$ off Huggies
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 1.00$ ECB
(1) 9.98$ ECB

Total After Coupons: 1.85$
ECB's Earned: 6.00$ for Brut / 8.00$ for Huggies


Transation #8

(2) Pampers Jumbo Packs - 15.98$
(1) Huggies Supreme Refill Wipes - 3.15$ (clearanced from 8.99$)

Coupons Used:

(1) 1.00$ off Huggies Wipes
(1) 2.00$ off any 2 Pampers

Total After Coupons: 7.74$


Transaction #9

(8) Dawn Dish Soaps - 8.00$
(2) Listerine Smart Rinse - 6.98$
(2) CVS Band Aids - 3.98$
(3) Packs of Gum - .80$ (clearanced)
(1) Jolly Rancher Lolly Pops - .70$ (clearanced)
(2) Jolly Ranchers Fruit Chewies - 1.10$ (clearanced)
(4) 4 Push Pops - .80$ (clearanced)

Coupons Used:

(6) .25$ off any Dawn
(2) .50$ off any Dawn
(2) 1.00$ off Listerine
(1) 5$ off 15$ CVS coupon
(1) 3.00$ ECB

Total After Coupons: 9.93$
ECB's Earned: 4$ for Dawn / 6.98$ for Listerine / 3.98$ for CVS Band Aids


Total OOP: 38.47$

Total Savings: 186.88$

Yikes that's high... I didn't have any ECB's on my card so I had to pay full OOP for a couple of transactions which is why it's so high. I now have about 42$ in ECB's so I won't have that evil OOP anymore =)


Our Journey said...

You did very good at CVS and walgreens!! I am new to the CVS stuff- only about 3 months!! I LOVE it so far!! I just started a blog today and if you are interested you are more than welcome to go over and see what I got today!! Have a good week!!

Rachel said...

I noticed that your Walgreens let you use the $10 off $30 before your coupons. I wish that I had been so did awesome!!!

The Coupon Diva said...

Yeah Walgreens is really funny about some things, I have learned to go during the graveyard shift because the boy that works and the assistant manager are really nice. If I go any other time I get a ton of problems.

I love checking out blogs, I'll cruise over to yours soon =)

Anonymous said...

I just have a quick question for you...I've been wondering...when you do so many transactions at one store, do you get all of your things at one time and just tell the cashier to break up the transacions? Or do you do #1 and then go back and shop for the items for #2?

MARY-ANN said...

Holy Crap Woman! That's alot of stuff. I went yesterday too to use the $5/$15 coupon before it expired!

The Coupon Diva said...

Carrie, being that I only have 1 CVS in my town I have to do all my transactions at 1 store, and I just grab everything I am buying all at once and split up the transactions at the register. I only do a max of 4 transactions in a row though, I will go to the store a few times during the day if I have too. Some people like to get all items for transaction #1 and pay, then go back and get #2 and so on, but I'm far too lazy and pregnant for all that!

Anonymous said...

how do you get more coupons for things, like i noticed some people use 2/$2.00 pampers or (8) .25 off dawn or something like that??? is there another coupon website i am not aware of?

The Brutsman Family said...

Awesome deal at Walgreens! I really thought about trying it, but I didn't see how they could let me use the May and June Easy Saver coupons together. I'm not sure I understand how that works. I did get some groceries super-cheap, though! I had coupons for Kashi that was on sale, I got six boxes, a box of granola bars, a two-pack of sippy cups and a few other items for only $3.24!

The Coupon Diva said...

I get lots of multiple coupons because I buy about 8 papers a week for myself, and my mom scores me about another 20-30 inserts for free. So I always have atleast 9 identical coupons for each coupon that comes out, but if I am lucky I will have about 20 or so. If there is something on sale that I don't have enough coupons for, I will order them from Ebay, I only do that for the stuff that is a really really good deal though.

Lori said...

That is amazing about Walgreens! Love to read this stuff. Yeah, I wish my walgreens had taken my $10 off $30 before my coupons, but had to do it afterwards. Oh well. Way to go.

Andrea @ Mommy said...

Wow! That is awesome! Who ever said saving money isn't work doesn't know what we have to do to make the savings come for us!!